
為意義而活 Men Live for Meaning



Viktor Frankl 經過集中營的苦難後,體會了讓人有頑強求生力量的乃是盼望。盼望讓人產生生活的意義,提供求生的勇氣和力量,使人可以熬過最艱難的時刻。




There is an old Chinese saying, and it says that the most miserable thing is hopelessness. What does this saying mean? It means that if a person loses all his hope, he will also lose his will to live.

After surviving the concentration camp, Viktor Frankl came up with an understanding of the power of the will to meaning in life struggles. He maintains that hope will give meaning to life and provide energy to overcome challenge and difficulty.

If a person has a more profound hope, and he believes that it is real, that hope will give more meaning to his life situation to motivate him to face challenge and overcome pressure and difficulty.

After laboring for half of his life in thinking and reflecting, Augustine had realized that God was his most profound hope, and it was the truth that he could experience, which gave him the greatest meaning to satisfy his restless heart. Because of this hope had given him the sense of highest meaning in life, he made an excellent contribution in philosophy and theology in human history.

In the beginning of the century Israel went into the darkest era, and the whole society was so restlessly that every body was confused. A man named Simeon had a hope and he believed that his hope was about to fulfill so that he was struggling very hard to keep himself alive in his very old age. He was waiting for the Messiah whom the prophets had promised seven hundred years ago that God would prepare a savior. A savior would be given to all mankind to once and for all solve the problem that we cannot settle for thousand years since the dawn of human civilizations. Therefore, Simeon called this Messiah was the light of the world and he was coming for all peoples.

Jesus had come for more than two thousand years and fulfilled the word of Simeon to bring the real hope to all people to allow them to live the most meaningful lives. December is the month of Christmas, and the whole world is preparing a celebration to welcome the hope of Christmas because Jesus was born two thousand years ago to be our redeemer, the only begotten Son of God!