
彌賽亞 Messiah

(彌迦書Micah 5:2-4)





Micah 5:2~4 is known as the Messianic prophecy. Messiah is the anointed one. In Hebrew faith and culture, the anointed person will be designated to a special position, or delegated with some important responsibility or divine task. In the Jewish culture and tradition, Messiah is always interpreted as the political or military leader. After the destruction of the Israel nation, Messiah was viewed as the future political and military hero who would liberate the Israel people from captivity and restore the Israel nation. Messiah was the national hope of the Israelite for more than a thousand years since then.

During the time of Jesus’ ministry of preaching the kingdom message, people, including His disciples, misunderstood Jesus as their national hero, whom they had been longing for ages to lead them to overthrow the Roman domination. They were expecting Jesus to restore the Israel nation for them, and this misconception put Jesus under persecution, and finally became one of the major reasons to hang Him on the cross. Until Jesus accented to heaven after His resurrection, His disciples were still asking Him about the date of the restoration of the Israel nation. Even though Jesus had explained to them many times, and told them His real mission, the disciples just did not get it. Until the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, they started to realize that the redemptive plan of God fulfilled in the life of Jesus is to bring the good news of reconciliation to all mankind. Since then, the disciples abandoned the narrow perspective of viewing salvation as a national political endeavor, and the global mission movement begun.

The salvation of Jesus is the gospel of reconciliation. It reconciles first between God and people, and then people with people. This is the ultimate solution to all human problems with no discrimination in culture or ethnicity, for God’s salvation is for all people. It is also the reason of evangelism and missions.

Meditation on the Scripture:
We have been saved by this Messiah, and understand the meaning and mission of this good news. We also share the role and mission of the prophet, and obligate to tell people about God’s judgment and salvation. Please read this Bible passage to meditate on our role and responsibility to share this good news of reconciliation with our family, friends, coworkers and schoolmates.