向神守時 Be Punctual to God


Spiritual discipline is not only limited to Bible reading, prayer, serving in ministry or giving. They are the disciplines in our personal life and church life which are very important. However, we should also be careful of our little daily habits to witness that our spirituality is not just for showing and has no impact in our real life. They are in fact another measure stakes to our true spirituality. Jesus has once reminded us that, “whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones.” (Luke 16:10)

I urge you to take worship service seriously for it is the center of our spirituality. If we say we love God and have accepted Him to be our Lord, but despise Him in His worship service, what kind of spiritual life that we have demonstrated?

I am so glad and encouraged recently when I have heard people making efforts in their spiritual disciplines. People have told me that they wanted to be renewed by the Holy Spirit and to bear spiritual fruit, but at the same time, I saw people despised the worship service. It makes me very confused. I pray to the Lord to let not us to pay lip service to the Lord in spiritual disciplines, and think that spirituality is only Bible reading and prayer and nothing else. Without letting the biblical teaching impact our life there is no real spirituality.

Worship service is the beginning of our weekly spiritual discipline, may we encourage each other to take it seriously to start with punctuality. Our SUNDAY SCHOOL starts at 9:30am and our WORSHIP SERVICE starts at 11:00am.

教會動態 News and Events

各項聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
團契組 Fellowship Groups
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