時間 Time: | 每週五晚上 Every Friday evenings, 7:45 PM – 9:45 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 英語 (提供國語翻譯) English-speaking (Mandarin translation provided) |
聯絡 Contact: | Duncan Yan duncanyan98@gmail.com |
今年的主題 Theme for this year:
行走正確之旅,享受敬虔的生活 Running the Right Journey and Enjoying the Godly Life
Young adults in their 20's, including college students of all levels, recent graduates, and young professions. We discuss topics like relationship, character development, conflict resolution, and other topics pertinent to young adulthood.
家庭團契 Family Fellowship
時間 Time: | 請聯絡負責人查詢聚會時間 Please contact coordinator for details |
地點 Place: | 請聯絡負責人查詢聚會地點 Please contact coordinator for details |
語言 Language: | 國語 Mandarin-speaking |
聯絡 Contact: | Frank Zhang zhangfrank@hotmail.com |
家庭團契使命宣言 Mission Statement:
「至於我和我家,我們必定事奉耶和華。」(約書亞記 24:15)
“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” ─ Joshua 24:15
Family Fellowship is a monthly fellowship that families can get together to study the Bible, apply biblical principle to family life like marriage, relationship, children education.
*備有幼兒看顧及兒童節目 Baby sitters and children program are provided.
粵語團契 Cantonese Fellowship
時間 Time: | 每月第二個星期日 Second Sunday of every month, 4:30 PM – 8 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 粵語 Cantonese-speaking |
聯絡 Contact: | Amy Lam amywclam@yahoo.com |
第一季節目程序 1st Quarter Scheduled Program:
二月 Feb: 生活應用專題 - 時間管理 Life Application Topics - Time Management三月 Mar: 敎會項目I Church Project I青少年團契 Youth Fellowship
時間 Time: | 每週五晚上 Every Friday evenings, 7:45 PM – 9:30 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 英語 English-speaking |
聯絡 Contact: | Karen Yeh karenpy01@gmail.com |
The BCBC Youth Group (grades 6-12) meets every Friday at church from 7:45 to 9:30pm. We play games, watch movies, do service projects, and have fun, interactive discussions about life issues facing today's youth.
英語姐妹小組 English-Speaking Ladies Group
時間 Time: | 每月第二個星期六 Second Saturday of every month, 9:30 AM – 12 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 英語 English-speaking |
聯絡 Contact: | Rebecca Weng wengyao@hotmail.com |
English-Speaking Ladies Group is a fellowship for women that meets regularly to study Bible, read a book together, share our spiritual journey and pray for each other. Our goal is to help women grow in their relationship to Christ and love, serve, and honor Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives.青少年課後輔導班 Youth Tutorial Class
時間 Time: | 每週五晚上 Every Friday evenings, 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 英語 English-speaking |
聯絡 Contact: | Karen Yeh karenpy01@gmail.com |
New in 2014 is an opportunity for volunteers and friends of BCBC to provide tutoring for middle school and 9th grade students in various subjects from 6:15 to 7:15pm on Friday evenings (just before youth group) at the church. Whether you are a middle school international student who needs help or a volunteer who is interested in teaching, all are welcome to join.
中國語文會 Chinese Language Club
時間 Time: | 每週五晚上 Every Friday evenings, 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM |
地點 Place: | 教會 Church |
語言 Language: | 國語與英語 Mandarin and English |
聯絡 Contact: | Michael Wang michaelwang1967@gmail.com |
Chinese Club, organized and sponsored by BCBC, is a weekly get-together of studying Chinese language and culture for those who have passion and vision to share Gospel to Chinese people in the future.