生命影響生命 Life Impacts Life




What does it mean to have life impacting life? We are impacting people by our life which is manifested in our daily living. This is the way how life is impacted by others. It is inescapable that we must impact other’s life in every contact. Just like the father will impact their children, teachers will impact their students, and even among friends impacts are explicit. Do we want to give a good impact on people’s lives, especially on those who are around us?

When we read the epistles of Paul, we should focus on his life and lifestyle, and be ready for any impact made on our life.

If we realize the importance of life impacting life, we will understand why we are held accountable for others, for we are impacting their lives everyday. It is the very reason to motivate us to learn from Paul’s life, and hopefully in return, we will impact people’s lives just like Paul does on us. Paul urges us to learn from him, for he is learning from Christ, so that we will also learn from Christ. If we learn from Paul, we can be sure that the impact we make on people’s life is the impact from Christ, so that they will also be able to experience Christ’s life in us.

愛與管教 Love and Discipline





Parenting is not an easy job for most parents for we don’t know how to maximize the advantages of love and discipline in raising children. We want our children to be healthy and talented, to be good in both academia and character, and they are also loving God and caring about people, plus knowing how to respect their parents and elderly. On the other hand, we also realize that those virtues won’t come naturally in kid’s life. Parents sometimes pay extra effort but get very little result in teaching kids. Even worse, we, as parents, don’t necessary have the correct concept of life and always expect wrongly our kids in their growth and development, which minimize the educational effort of bringing them up to such ideal persons. I want to share two fundamental ideas with our parents to inspire us if we can learn something from the Bible.

First of all, we need to examine our understanding of life, because we will only teach our kids what we think important in life, and how we handle things and relationships. As matter of fact, we do not pass on to our kid only genetic traits, but also our characters, personalities, and spiritual qualities; and we also know that such personality and spiritual qualities are more important in their life formation. The first difficult thing in parenting is to require us to grow in our personal and spiritual characters as we nurture our kid to grow. The purpose of Christian character formation and spiritual growth to us as parents, therefore, goes beyond personal spirituality and has a very important function in family education.

Secondly, even though everybody should have responsibility in educating others, we may not have adequate knowledge and right skills to educate them. The second difficult thing in parenting is to make time to learn the knowledge and skills in raising kids. Parents love their kids, but they may not know how to love them correctly. If we do not know how to love them correctly, we may not be able to discipline them with good result.

Bible has a lot of good things for us to learn to build healthy personal and spiritual life, and it also tells us God’s love and discipline. Christian parents should have more advantages to be good parents for we have a new life, and have always been experiencing God’s love and discipline. We can also easily consult the Bible for knowledge and skills in raising kids. I encourage Christian parents to have fellowship constantly to encourage each other, and to learn from the Bible the ways to nurture their kids with God’s word, and to provide them a more sound and holistic family education.

你們當追念 You Should Remember

(彌迦書Micah 6:5)






“My people, remember …that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord”. It was the statement that the prophets always used to remind the Israelites. They reminded them not to forget their history, for in their past had stored the richest treasure of God’s actions and revelations.

God has given us the most important and valuable power, and it is the power of memory. Once if we possess the ability to remember, we have the sense of time which gives the continuity in our life to make history possible. That is our memory which gives birth to our history and culture, and our life will be ascended from the animal world to the human civilizations.

How a person understands and interprets his past will determine the way he handles his present and future. God always inspires us by helping us to reflect on and interpret our past to give us wisdom to handle challenges and to make right decisions. When the prophet reminded his people to learn from their history, he wanted them to see God’s righteous acts. God often through revealing to the prophets teaches His people the spiritual principles and perspectives to interpret their past to realize His acts in history.

We must learn to reflect on and interpret our past, or otherwise, we cannot see how God leads our way in life. When we reflect on our past, we should use the biblical principles and perspectives to do the interpretation, so that we won’t be lost in the midst of the massive fragments and happenings, and be able to lift our eyes to the spiritual level to see the will of God in our life.

Let us reflect on our past and find out the guidance of God in our life. With such understanding we may know God’s plan for us.

與神同行 Walking With God

(彌迦書Micah 6:1-8) 







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Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
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