聖誕節的祝福 Christmas Blessing!




During the Christmas season, we will send out Christmas cards or gifts to our friends and relatives to bless them a peaceful and joyful Christmas. Christmas is truly a very blessing season in the year, for God has blessed us with a baby savior to save those who know the meaning of Christmas and receive this baby as their redeemer. This is a good news to us because through Jesus, we are made reconciled with God and other fellows, and it brings the greatest joy and peace to life.

Following the angles and the shepherds who brought the good tidings to people, we will also tell our friends and relatives the good news of the forgiveness of God to all mankind.

We should take the advantage of the means of electronic media to send free Christmas cards to our friends and relatives to tell them such good news of Christmas, just like what the shepherds did in two thousand years ago. If you want to do that but don’t know what to write, you may just copy the Scripture from Luke 2:10~11, and John 3:16. These two passages will tell the full meaning of the Christmas story.

神與人同在的喜悅 The Joy of Emmanuel




December is the season of Christmas, from the shops to the commercials on the television to parties in companies, people are planning for their activities, Christmas cards and presents, and with all these things, the feeling of Christmas is added more and more in the air. Following to the coming of the peaceful eve of Christmas, the feeling is higher and higher, but no one cares about whom they are going to celebrate for this birthday.

The reason for Silent Night to have such peaceful silence, and the joy for all people to share for Christmas, now seems to have no point in the hearts of those who are preparing for the season. Thus so, people make merry and die, and greedily take every breath of the breeze of laughter in the air to wait for another day of emptiness to fall. In the morning after the Christmas Eve all the streets are dead.

Emmanuel was the news that the angels announced to Joseph, for a child was going to be born into the world to deliver people from the dark! Silent Night is so peaceful to us is because people can leave the darkness and enter into the wonderful light of righteousness. We love to celebrate Christmas for God has forgiven us. God is with us in Christ, and this is the meaning of Christmas, for which we celebrate today with joy overflowing!

以馬內利 Immanuel

(馬太福音Matthew 1:18-25)






Naming a child in Jewish tradition is usually tied with some spiritual meaning to express the parents’ expectation or to commemorate certain spiritual experience. God also uses names to reveal His relationship to His people. God had named Jacob as Israel to recognize his eagerness to strive for the highest blessings from Him. Jacob would not satisfy for material goods or a smooth and stable live, he always wanted to get the highest blessings from God.

Before Jesus was born, the angel had given Him a name called Immanuel, which meant God with men. Joseph had also named his son Jesus after he dreamed of the angel talking to him. These two names tell exactly the purpose and the mission of the birth of this baby Jesus.

With these two names we can understand the meaning of Jesus’ redemption, which is delivering us from sin and reconciling us with God so that God can be with us again.

The greatest and most joyful message of Christmas is the message of God being with us. This is also the true peace and joy that Jesus has brought to us. We, as Christians, love Christmas not because of the endless parties, or exchanging gifts, or long holiday for vacation; but the birth of Jesus whom brought us the love and forgiveness of God so that for those who accept Christ as their savior will enter the fellowship with God.

How can we have a meaningful Christmas? We can invite friends, especially seekers or young Christians to have dinner fellowship at home to share God’s blessings with them, so that they will also experience the presence of God in this Christmas season.

為意義而活 Men Live for Meaning



Viktor Frankl 經過集中營的苦難後,體會了讓人有頑強求生力量的乃是盼望。盼望讓人產生生活的意義,提供求生的勇氣和力量,使人可以熬過最艱難的時刻。




There is an old Chinese saying, and it says that the most miserable thing is hopelessness. What does this saying mean? It means that if a person loses all his hope, he will also lose his will to live.

After surviving the concentration camp, Viktor Frankl came up with an understanding of the power of the will to meaning in life struggles. He maintains that hope will give meaning to life and provide energy to overcome challenge and difficulty.

If a person has a more profound hope, and he believes that it is real, that hope will give more meaning to his life situation to motivate him to face challenge and overcome pressure and difficulty.

After laboring for half of his life in thinking and reflecting, Augustine had realized that God was his most profound hope, and it was the truth that he could experience, which gave him the greatest meaning to satisfy his restless heart. Because of this hope had given him the sense of highest meaning in life, he made an excellent contribution in philosophy and theology in human history.

In the beginning of the century Israel went into the darkest era, and the whole society was so restlessly that every body was confused. A man named Simeon had a hope and he believed that his hope was about to fulfill so that he was struggling very hard to keep himself alive in his very old age. He was waiting for the Messiah whom the prophets had promised seven hundred years ago that God would prepare a savior. A savior would be given to all mankind to once and for all solve the problem that we cannot settle for thousand years since the dawn of human civilizations. Therefore, Simeon called this Messiah was the light of the world and he was coming for all peoples.

Jesus had come for more than two thousand years and fulfilled the word of Simeon to bring the real hope to all people to allow them to live the most meaningful lives. December is the month of Christmas, and the whole world is preparing a celebration to welcome the hope of Christmas because Jesus was born two thousand years ago to be our redeemer, the only begotten Son of God!

彌賽亞 Messiah

(彌迦書Micah 5:2-4)





Micah 5:2~4 is known as the Messianic prophecy. Messiah is the anointed one. In Hebrew faith and culture, the anointed person will be designated to a special position, or delegated with some important responsibility or divine task. In the Jewish culture and tradition, Messiah is always interpreted as the political or military leader. After the destruction of the Israel nation, Messiah was viewed as the future political and military hero who would liberate the Israel people from captivity and restore the Israel nation. Messiah was the national hope of the Israelite for more than a thousand years since then.

During the time of Jesus’ ministry of preaching the kingdom message, people, including His disciples, misunderstood Jesus as their national hero, whom they had been longing for ages to lead them to overthrow the Roman domination. They were expecting Jesus to restore the Israel nation for them, and this misconception put Jesus under persecution, and finally became one of the major reasons to hang Him on the cross. Until Jesus accented to heaven after His resurrection, His disciples were still asking Him about the date of the restoration of the Israel nation. Even though Jesus had explained to them many times, and told them His real mission, the disciples just did not get it. Until the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, they started to realize that the redemptive plan of God fulfilled in the life of Jesus is to bring the good news of reconciliation to all mankind. Since then, the disciples abandoned the narrow perspective of viewing salvation as a national political endeavor, and the global mission movement begun.

The salvation of Jesus is the gospel of reconciliation. It reconciles first between God and people, and then people with people. This is the ultimate solution to all human problems with no discrimination in culture or ethnicity, for God’s salvation is for all people. It is also the reason of evangelism and missions.

Meditation on the Scripture:
We have been saved by this Messiah, and understand the meaning and mission of this good news. We also share the role and mission of the prophet, and obligate to tell people about God’s judgment and salvation. Please read this Bible passage to meditate on our role and responsibility to share this good news of reconciliation with our family, friends, coworkers and schoolmates.

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
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