人生何求 What are you seeking in life?






When I was little I had read a lot of stories and found out that many of those stories had a common theme, which was making life decisions. There was a story talking about two brothers. The little brother had dropped his old rusty axe into the river and prayed that he could get it back. The older brother, on the other hand, was praying for a golden axe even though he had intentionally dropped an old rusty axe. When we read these stories sometimes we find them so true that they actually happen in the real life.

Wisdom in life always finds its expression in our every day life decisions. Agur has two wishes and his prayer demonstrates his profound wisdom in life. He asks God to give him a truthful heart that he will handle God’s word faithfully, and won’t abuse the biblical teachings to justify his desires. He also asks God not to make him poor nor rich, because he gives God his highest priority in life.

Agur’s prayer reveals not only his wisdom but also his courage and faith. He asks God not to make him poor. His request is quite understandable for it is a real need. However, he also understands that real need sometimes will hinder us to pursuit our spiritual needs, and he chooses to minimize his physical needs to give room to enrich his spiritual life. I think he really gives us an important advice.

But his courage is expressed in his choice of not being rich. Knowing what to ask will reflect a person’s wisdom, but on the other hand, knowing what not to ask needs even greater wisdom and courage. Agur asks God not to make him rich, which is quite unthinkable in our society. I think even Christians may not necessary understand Agur or share his attitude. Agur does not want to be rich has deeper meaning, and it is not just some common criticism on rich people. Agur is convinced that spiritual richness is more important than material wealth. It is the former that will truly give him happiness. His wisdom expressed in this choice: to choose the best, even if he has to give up the second with no hesitation.

I encourage you to read Proverbs 30:1-9 again this week, and meditate on the things that we want to ask from God.

主祈求合 The Lord Prays for Unity

(約翰福音John 17:11-26)

神的榮耀:合一的最終目的是榮耀神(17:22, 24)。在這個充滿矛盾、紛爭和自私的社會中,教會的合一見證會成為神的榮耀。


Before Jesus was nailed on the cross, he made a very long prayer, and more than half of the prayer was interceding for the unity of the disciples.

Unity is the most important and fundamental spiritual discipline in church life. Jesus had reminded His disciples repeatedly to seek unity in fellowship. Paul, in his epistles, was also doing the same thing talking tirelessly about the unity issue. Interestingly in Jesus’ prayer, we find three important theological implications in the concept of unity: the Trinity, Christ’s love, and God’s glory.

Trinity: Jesus urged disciples to keep the unity, which was demonstrated by Him and the heavenly Father (17:11). The concept of Trinity maintains that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three different and unique persons but in one substance. What the concept of Trinity implies in church life is that unity is not conformity and the unique personality of every individual should be respected and nurtured, but at the same time, everybody can live harmoniously in one fellowship and ministry.

Christ’s love: The foundation of unity is love (17:26). This is not an ordinary love, but the selfless and sacrificial love of Christ, for ordinary love is selfish, and egotistic. Only the love of Christ will bring everybody into one fellowship.

God’s glory: The ultimate purpose for unity is the glory of God (17:22, 24). In this society with all the conflicts, selfishness and egoism, the unity of church life with bring glory to God.

Meditation on the Scripture
How will you discipline yourself to keep the unity in our church? Can you do something for our church to promote unity in this following week?

寬恕與被寬恕 To Forgive and To Be Forgiven

(馬太福音 Matthews 5: 23-24; 6:14)



Why did Jesus talk about the issue of forgiving and being forgiven so many times? It’s because God is very serious about our relationship with him and also the core of the gospel is to rebuild broken relationships; first God and human beings, and then people to people.

Our sufferings come mostly from unhealthy relationships rather than from natural disasters. When we get hurt or when we hurt others in conflicting relationships, it makes us very unhappy and we are unable to function fruitfully. A meaningful life must come from the satisfactions of work and relationship. In fact, the joy of work is also affected by relationship. With all of our relationships, our relationship with God should be the most important and fundamental one. Interestingly enough, however, our relationship with God will be directly affected by our relationship with people! This is the reason that Jesus asks us to make peace with people first before God will make peace with us. Likewise, if we say we love God, let us first love our fellows (1 John 4:20~21).

Jesus even goes a step further, and says that if we choose not to forgive, or not to seek forgiveness, God will not be pleased by our act of worship (Matt 5:23~24).

It is not easy to forgive or to seek forgiveness, for it involves a lot of emotions and pride. However, we have all experienced at least once how miserable life can be if we choose to live with an unforgiving heart. This kind of unhappiness will destroy our health in body, soul, and spirit. God wants us to have a happy and abundant life, so He demands us to love and forgive.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Please read carefully the Bible verses listed in this article and meditate on their teachings. Please pray to the Holy Spirit for the strength to forgive and to seek forgiveness.

財富 Fortune





In a Chinese saying, “Man will die for money and bird will be captured by chasing food.” Majority of people chase after only two things in their lives, and these things are love and money. They both have one thing in common, which is the motivation of survival. Between money and love, money is always more important than love, for many people are willing to sacrifice love and family happiness for money.

Our attitude toward wealth can also be used as a measure to check the priority in our lives to reveal things that have more value. Therefore, Jesus once said, “For your heart will always be where your riches are.” (Matt. 6:21) Bible requires us to tithe to reflect our attitude toward God and His kingdom, and on the other hand, to allow us to practice not putting money higher than God.

Bible does not prohibit us to earn money or do business to create wealth. In the Old Testament, especially, is using material goods as blessing to those who love God and obey His word. However, Bible does make it very clear that, loving God should be put first, and the material blessings will follow. Or otherwise, we don’t know how to use wealth correctly, further more to depart us from God, and turn blessing into cursing in our lives.

Do we really know how much we love God? It is very simple, and we can find out immediately by seeing how we give to God in every worship service.

教會動態 News and Events

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
團契組 Fellowship Groups
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