心存溫柔 To Have a Gentle Heart

(腓立比書 Philippians 4:1-9)






From urging two quarrelling people to have same mind in Christ, to encouraging us to be gentle, to urging again us to have joy in the Lord; why Paul had put three totally different things in one essay to teach the Christians in Philippi?

There is no surprise to know that our joy comes from our relationship with others. If we always have problem to relate to people, our life will be miserable. But how can we help people build good and healthy relationship? Paul told us a very effective and fundamental way, and it is to have the same heart of Christ. If two people have the heart of Jesus, they can resolve conflict and love each other again. Their relationship will be healthy and their lives will fill with joy and happiness.

What kind of heart did Christ have? Jesus said that he was gentle and humble in spirit (Matt 11:29). What does it mean to be gentle and humble in spirit? It does not only imply to soft words and compassion, of course they are included, but more important to a sensitive heart toward God and the obedience to His will. Jesus was so sensitive to God and filled with the Father’s love, that he could submit to God wholeheartedly with no reservation. His life was a manifestation of the forgiving love of God through His sacrifice. This is the gentleness of Christ that Paul urged us to imitate. This is the meaning of having the same mind or heart of Christ. Paul wanted us to have the same heart of Christ, so that we will also become a manifestation of Jesus’ gentleness. Paul did not mean that we should unify our thinking and needs, for it is not possible and unnecessary. Who has the right to overrule others thought and needs? Only we can ask ourselves to sacrifice for others, but not vice versa. But still it is too difficult to give up our perspectives and needs, because we are too selfish and self-centered.

Paul did not argue with us from morality or reason. He asked us, as a redeemed race, to have the same heart of Jesus to be sensitive to God’s love for people. Let Jesus’ life transform us to have the same compassion He has for others. Paul said that our hearts should be the same as that of Jesus (2:5).

Meditation on the Scripture:
When you reread the Scripture passage of this Sunday, please look into your relationships to find out to whom you have less Christ like compassion. Will this Bible passage help you to have the same mind of Christ?

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