快樂階梯 The Pyramid of Happiness




God wants us to live happily. This is the reason why Paul tells us to be joyful always. We can find in the Old Testament books full of God’s promises of giving happiness to His people. In Bible, however, happiness has its unique definition, and therefore, God also requires us to acquire happiness in a unique way.

We can use a pyramid to illustrate how Christians should pursuit happiness, and reveal our profound understanding in this issue. Christians are also human beings, so we have physical needs. We will pursuit earthly wealth, even though we understand that material goods won’t necessary quarantine happiness, especially spiritual joy. As matter of fact, we see rich people and professionally successful people are unhappy in their lives. Sometimes, we also see people are unhappy even though they have a lot of friends.

Bible tells us that the ultimate source of happiness is in the Lord. Paul tells us with no hesitation that we will have joy in the union with Christ, “May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord. I say it again: rejoice!” (Phil 4:4) We can find the ladder to happiness in the Bible, and know that the ultimate source of joy and its highest contentment is in the relationship with the Lord.

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Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
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2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
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