我想成為 … I Want to be like ...


In those days when my life was full of dreams, I can still remember the enthusiasm that I had to create a life that I had always dreamed of. I worked extra hard to make my dream come true, and my days were full of excitement and satisfaction. But now the life that I am dreaming of is quite different from the old, and the passion has lost some of its childishness. However, I have adopted a new life for myself, and for this new life, I labor, I pray and I wait upon the Lord.

In Christ, I am a new being, and renewing my life everyday to attend to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. All of a sudden, I start to realize that it is the spiritual discipline of doing our daily devotion to God. In my devotion to God, I see a new self in Christ, a life that I dream of. In order to attend to this life, I am willing to offer my labor everyday.

Our goal for this year is to build up life, but we should first recognize the life that we are going to build, if otherwise we cannot build anything. Everyday when we read Bible, we must read out a new life that calls us to imitate. This is the first step of doing Christian devotion. Only if I can see a new life in Christ that I really want to be like, I will not experience any life transformation. But if we can see a new life in Christ that attracts us to it, we will experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, and realize that Jesus’ promise of giving us an abundant life is so tangible that we can actually enter into it daily.

新生命、新世界 New Life and New World

(羅馬書 Romans 12:2)


Everybody lives by his worldview. Our worldview will determine our perception and attitude toward people and situations. It will also form our lifestyle and value judgment. Our worldview will keep on developing as we interact with environments and people around us from the day we were born through out the years until we die.

Bible calls this worldview, which is formed by our interactions with the environments and people, the “world, or age, or pattern of this world”. This worldview by nature is conflicting to the biblical worldview, because it is formed with the orientation of our ego in its center. God has no place in this worldview, and His teaching has no influence in our lifestyle. By no means, this worldview will allow us to fulfill God’s will, and it is purposefully dragging us away from Him. This worldview will strengthen our ego-centeredness lifestyle, and make us more selfish.

The worldview given by the Bible is God centered, and in our relationship with God, we understand the situations, people and things in our lives. This biblical worldview will provide principles for us to interact with people and things.

How do we view our new life or life born again? New life is the transformation of our worldview from the old to the biblical, in which a new set of principles and guidelines are formed to determine the action and attitude toward people, things and situations. This is what Paul teaches us in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Spiritual formation in Christian life is to transform our old worldview into the biblical worldview through reading the Bible, prayer, service and life application of the biblical teachings. Christian spirituality is the lifestyle governed by the biblical worldview, which will determine our ways and attitude of daily encounter with things and people, and give us the direction and goal to our life journey.

新生命、新生活 New Being, New Life


Paul always says that, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” When we receive Jesus as our Savior and the Lord of our lives, we will have a new life. This is why we will always say that we will be born again at the time when we are saved. But what does it mean to be born again or have a new life? There are people having a mysterious view on this issue to emphasize some special experiences, such as certain psychological phenomenon or emotional reactions, to justify a born again experience. Therefore, by pursuing such emotions, new life will be reduced into a set of subjective and mysterious emotional phenomena. New life or born again is the biblical promise for Christians, even though some may want to have such emotions in the moment of their conversions, should be far more than just some emotional reactions or predefined behaviors.

From the biblical teachings, or Paul’s discussions in his epistles, born again experience is far more than just those emotional phenomena. As matter of fact, Paul himself did not have any experience of speaking in tongue or hysterical reaction in his conversion experience, except the challenge and calling in that very strong light. There is even no record of his crying or strong emotional reaction, but rather calm, rational and profound in that Damascus event.

Paul’s experience and his teaching tell us that a new life begins in a new relationship. Paul asserts that only when we are in Christ, we are born again. It is because of our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior, so God is our Lord in our daily life. Whoever receives Jesus as the Lord of his or her life, he or she will become a new being. The reconciled relationship with God is the only and necessary condition for being born again, and it has nothing to do with emotion or any hysterical behavior.

Next Sunday, we will continue to discuss further on the changes a new life should have. How can a new relationship with God transform a person’s life? How should we experience a new life? And, how can we nurture this new life?

規劃豐盛生活 Plan to Live Fruitfully


This year will soon pass away, and a new year is going to come.

Sending away the old and receiving the new is a blessing in life, for it will help us to learn from the good and the bad of the past year, and encourage us to look forward to the future to plan for our new life. If we don’t know how to learn from the past, we will not plan for the future, and our life will slip away in vain. It is a very terrible thing in life.

God teaches us to give thanks for all things, especially during the end of the year to thank for the good things as well as the bad things. It is a unique way for Christians to review their past. If we sincerely give thanks, we will then seriously plan for the future.

If we want to live fruitfully in next year, we must seriously plan for our life. We should take time in these two weeks to make some plans to fill our days with meaning and purpose. There are some areas that need our plans to bring real satisfaction and fruitfulness to life, and they are monetary management, schedule and priority, interpersonal relationships, and ministry involvements.

After we have made plans for next year, we need to write it down as a reminder to keep us up with the plan in our daily routines. The Holy Spirit will also help us to fulfill our plans and bring satisfaction in our life.

我的好處不在主以外 All My Good Things Come From the Lord

這是今年的第一週,我要祝賀大家新春蒙福。 許多人在年頭會祈願,或作些立志,希望今年會更好,更多福氣,更多恩典。神的確願意祝福我們,並把各種恩典賜與我們。神是一切恩典的源頭和賜予者,離開了神就沒有真正的福氣了。因此,詩人說,「祢是我的主,祢是我一切幸福的源頭。」(詩16:2)詩人在這一個認定上有三個含意:





This is the first Sunday of this year, and I wish you all a very blessing New Year. Many people like to make wishes or New Year resolutions to look forward to more blessings in the year to come. God truly wants to bless us, and gives us all kind of goodness. God is the source of blessings and good things, and He loves to give to us. If we depart from Him we will not be able to receive any real blessings. The psalmist, therefore, points out that, “You are my Lord; all the good things I have come from you.” (Ps 16:2) There are three implications in this statement of the psalmist:

First, if we want to have real happiness, we must go back to God for He is the source of all blessings. If we love God and His kingdom, He will give us all His blessings. (Matt. 6:33)

Second, real blessings must have some spiritual quality and purpose. If we are blessed by God with many good things, we should love the Lord more, and commit to His kingdom. (Ps 16: 7-8) God will not bless us to separate us from Him. Not all “good things” are from God.

Third, for those who are blessed by God with many good things must have spiritual purpose in their life, and their spirits must be filled with peace and joy. (Ps 16:11)

In this first Sunday worship service of 2012, will you make a wish to ask more spiritual blessings from God? Will you determine to seek good things only in the Lord?

教會動態 News and Events

各項聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
團契組 Fellowship Groups
Please visit page for information