擴大禱告生活 Expending Our Prayer Life

第一天, 專心為自己的靈命成長禱告。我們不會忘記為生活和物質的需要禱告,卻常常忘記自己屬靈成長的需要。在一週中,應該最少為自己的靈命禱告一次。
第二天, 第二天,要為教會的肢體禱告。請你按著教會的名單,每天為一位弟兄或姊妹禱告,關心他們的靈命和生活的需要。
第三天, 第三天,要為所參加的小組或團契禱告。如果要有美好的小組或團契生活,就不要忘記為它禱告。神要求我們有團契生活,因為只有在團契中,我們的靈命才有健康的成長。
第四天, 第四天,要為教會的事工,或一位慕道者禱告。教會是我們屬靈的家,更是我們事奉神和人的地方,所以要常常為教會和各種事工禱告。我們也可以為慕道者禱告,因為禱告是一種屬靈的事奉,讓聖靈藉著我們的禱告作工。
第五天, 第五天,要為主日學和崇拜禱告。如果要有一個可以滿足屬靈需要的主日,就不要忘記為主日學和崇拜禱告,也求主預備我們的心來敬拜祂。

Jesus has pointed out that the kingdom of God is the focus of our prayer life, and the power of prayer is the power of transforming our life for the kingdom. Therefore, prayer is a very important spiritual discipline. It is also a spiritual act of service, in which we will fulfill God’s will and bring the kingdom on earth. Our church has produced a Spiritual Journal for everybody, and a prayer program is included in it to help us expend our prayer life. If we do it accordingly, it will transform our prayer into a kingdom prayer. There are five different emphases in the prayer program, and we are encouraged to pray for one emphasis for each day during the week. That will help us experience God’s wonderful grace in different areas of the Christian life.

Day one, we pray for our spiritual life. We will pray for our material needs, but always forget our spiritual life. We should pray for our spiritual life at least once every week.

Day two, we pray for our brothers and sisters. Pray for one brother or sister by name to remember their spiritual and physical needs.

Day three, we pray for our small group fellowship. If we want to have a wonderful small group fellowship, we should pray for them always. God wants us to have fellowship for He knows that in it our spiritual life will grow more healthily.

Day four, we pray for church ministry or seekers. We should pray for our church for it is our spiritual home. We care about it so we pray for every ministry in church. We should also pray for the seekers for the Holy Spirit will use our prayer to bring conviction to them.

Day five, we pray for the Sunday school and worship service. If we want to have a wonderful Sunday that will meet our spiritual needs, we should pray for our Sunday school and worship service, and also ask the Lord to prepare our heart for it.

If we can pray accordingly everyday in our daily devotion, our spiritual life will definitely be satisfied and fruitful.

教會動態 News and Events

各項聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
團契組 Fellowship Groups
Please visit page for information