活出福音的生活 Live a Life Worthy of the Gospel

(腓立比書Philippians 1:27-30)



One’s lifestyle and conduct should reflect one’s identity. Japanese loves to put on their traditional outfits in some important public events for they are proud of being Japanese. During the New Testament times, the Romans were traveling everywhere but they kept their Roman lifestyle and carried with their national pride. Paul exhorted the Philippians’ brethren to have the lifestyle that would reflect their identity as Christ followers and the dignity of the kingdom citizenship.

Paul’s life was shown to be the example for the Philippians, for he was not ashamed of being the disciple of Jesus (Romans 1:16). Wherever Paul went, he publicly proclaimed the gospel, and was ready to suffer for his faith and Christ.

At that time Christians would receive pressure and even persecution if they wanted to live the kingdom lifestyle. Therefore, Paul urged the brethren in Philippi to keep themselves in fellowship with the spirit of unity, and stand firm in faith, to allow them to be strong enough to take challenges from outside.

When Paul exhorted them to live a kingdom lifestyle, he also reminded them that they were not alone to face all those pressure and challenge for he had been struggling all along in the past. Therefore, Paul knew what they were facing and wanted to tell them the secret of overcoming hardships, which was the strength from God’s grace and Christian fellowship.

Meditation on the Scripture
Please use verse 27 in your daily life, and think of ways to live a life worthy of the gospel.

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成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
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