知足樂 The Joy of Being Content

(腓立比書 Philippians 4:10-13)






There is an old Chinese saying, “contentment gives you joy”. We all want to have joy, but it is not easy to be content.

How can a person be content? Once there was a child who was tempted by a big amount of candy, but his mom told him not to take more than he needed. The child felt very difficult for he did not know how much was enough. He had two little hands and two pockets. He grasped a handful of candy with one hand, but he did not feel it was enough. He grasped another handful of candy with the other hand. He did not want to stop for he still was not content with what he got, so he filled his two pockets full of the candy he grasped with his two little hands. He then grasped two more handfuls of candy with his hands again. When his mom told him that they had to leave, the child left the candies discontentedly. To this child candies did not give him any joy, but only discontent and pain.

How could Paul say he was satisfied with what he had? He also said that from this contentment he had great joy. Paul said that he was satisfied with too much as well as too little. Verse 13 tells us the reason of his contentment: the contentment in Christ.

The reason for Paul’s strength in facing all conditions, and transforming them into opportunities to serve the Lord, was his constant abiding in Christ. When he was rich, he had more resources to serve the Lord, and was able to reach out to the rich people. When he was poor, he could go to the poor to help them experience the presence of God in poverty and sadness. He could lead the poor to Christ. When he was highly esteemed he took the chance to witness to the nobilities and authorities. When he was arrested he preached to jailers and prisoners. Paul was content and had joy in all circumstances, because the joy he had in Christ had surpassed everything.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Do you have more joy in life or less? Why are you content? If you are not content, why are you not? How are you going to evaluate the contentment of Paul? Please read Philippians 4:10~13 carefully, and meditate on Paul’s secret.

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