聖誕節的祝福 Christmas Blessing!




During the Christmas season, we will send out Christmas cards or gifts to our friends and relatives to bless them a peaceful and joyful Christmas. Christmas is truly a very blessing season in the year, for God has blessed us with a baby savior to save those who know the meaning of Christmas and receive this baby as their redeemer. This is a good news to us because through Jesus, we are made reconciled with God and other fellows, and it brings the greatest joy and peace to life.

Following the angles and the shepherds who brought the good tidings to people, we will also tell our friends and relatives the good news of the forgiveness of God to all mankind.

We should take the advantage of the means of electronic media to send free Christmas cards to our friends and relatives to tell them such good news of Christmas, just like what the shepherds did in two thousand years ago. If you want to do that but don’t know what to write, you may just copy the Scripture from Luke 2:10~11, and John 3:16. These two passages will tell the full meaning of the Christmas story.

神與人同在的喜悅 The Joy of Emmanuel




December is the season of Christmas, from the shops to the commercials on the television to parties in companies, people are planning for their activities, Christmas cards and presents, and with all these things, the feeling of Christmas is added more and more in the air. Following to the coming of the peaceful eve of Christmas, the feeling is higher and higher, but no one cares about whom they are going to celebrate for this birthday.

The reason for Silent Night to have such peaceful silence, and the joy for all people to share for Christmas, now seems to have no point in the hearts of those who are preparing for the season. Thus so, people make merry and die, and greedily take every breath of the breeze of laughter in the air to wait for another day of emptiness to fall. In the morning after the Christmas Eve all the streets are dead.

Emmanuel was the news that the angels announced to Joseph, for a child was going to be born into the world to deliver people from the dark! Silent Night is so peaceful to us is because people can leave the darkness and enter into the wonderful light of righteousness. We love to celebrate Christmas for God has forgiven us. God is with us in Christ, and this is the meaning of Christmas, for which we celebrate today with joy overflowing!

以馬內利 Immanuel

(馬太福音Matthew 1:18-25)






Naming a child in Jewish tradition is usually tied with some spiritual meaning to express the parents’ expectation or to commemorate certain spiritual experience. God also uses names to reveal His relationship to His people. God had named Jacob as Israel to recognize his eagerness to strive for the highest blessings from Him. Jacob would not satisfy for material goods or a smooth and stable live, he always wanted to get the highest blessings from God.

Before Jesus was born, the angel had given Him a name called Immanuel, which meant God with men. Joseph had also named his son Jesus after he dreamed of the angel talking to him. These two names tell exactly the purpose and the mission of the birth of this baby Jesus.

With these two names we can understand the meaning of Jesus’ redemption, which is delivering us from sin and reconciling us with God so that God can be with us again.

The greatest and most joyful message of Christmas is the message of God being with us. This is also the true peace and joy that Jesus has brought to us. We, as Christians, love Christmas not because of the endless parties, or exchanging gifts, or long holiday for vacation; but the birth of Jesus whom brought us the love and forgiveness of God so that for those who accept Christ as their savior will enter the fellowship with God.

How can we have a meaningful Christmas? We can invite friends, especially seekers or young Christians to have dinner fellowship at home to share God’s blessings with them, so that they will also experience the presence of God in this Christmas season.

為意義而活 Men Live for Meaning



Viktor Frankl 經過集中營的苦難後,體會了讓人有頑強求生力量的乃是盼望。盼望讓人產生生活的意義,提供求生的勇氣和力量,使人可以熬過最艱難的時刻。




There is an old Chinese saying, and it says that the most miserable thing is hopelessness. What does this saying mean? It means that if a person loses all his hope, he will also lose his will to live.

After surviving the concentration camp, Viktor Frankl came up with an understanding of the power of the will to meaning in life struggles. He maintains that hope will give meaning to life and provide energy to overcome challenge and difficulty.

If a person has a more profound hope, and he believes that it is real, that hope will give more meaning to his life situation to motivate him to face challenge and overcome pressure and difficulty.

After laboring for half of his life in thinking and reflecting, Augustine had realized that God was his most profound hope, and it was the truth that he could experience, which gave him the greatest meaning to satisfy his restless heart. Because of this hope had given him the sense of highest meaning in life, he made an excellent contribution in philosophy and theology in human history.

In the beginning of the century Israel went into the darkest era, and the whole society was so restlessly that every body was confused. A man named Simeon had a hope and he believed that his hope was about to fulfill so that he was struggling very hard to keep himself alive in his very old age. He was waiting for the Messiah whom the prophets had promised seven hundred years ago that God would prepare a savior. A savior would be given to all mankind to once and for all solve the problem that we cannot settle for thousand years since the dawn of human civilizations. Therefore, Simeon called this Messiah was the light of the world and he was coming for all peoples.

Jesus had come for more than two thousand years and fulfilled the word of Simeon to bring the real hope to all people to allow them to live the most meaningful lives. December is the month of Christmas, and the whole world is preparing a celebration to welcome the hope of Christmas because Jesus was born two thousand years ago to be our redeemer, the only begotten Son of God!

彌賽亞 Messiah

(彌迦書Micah 5:2-4)





Micah 5:2~4 is known as the Messianic prophecy. Messiah is the anointed one. In Hebrew faith and culture, the anointed person will be designated to a special position, or delegated with some important responsibility or divine task. In the Jewish culture and tradition, Messiah is always interpreted as the political or military leader. After the destruction of the Israel nation, Messiah was viewed as the future political and military hero who would liberate the Israel people from captivity and restore the Israel nation. Messiah was the national hope of the Israelite for more than a thousand years since then.

During the time of Jesus’ ministry of preaching the kingdom message, people, including His disciples, misunderstood Jesus as their national hero, whom they had been longing for ages to lead them to overthrow the Roman domination. They were expecting Jesus to restore the Israel nation for them, and this misconception put Jesus under persecution, and finally became one of the major reasons to hang Him on the cross. Until Jesus accented to heaven after His resurrection, His disciples were still asking Him about the date of the restoration of the Israel nation. Even though Jesus had explained to them many times, and told them His real mission, the disciples just did not get it. Until the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, they started to realize that the redemptive plan of God fulfilled in the life of Jesus is to bring the good news of reconciliation to all mankind. Since then, the disciples abandoned the narrow perspective of viewing salvation as a national political endeavor, and the global mission movement begun.

The salvation of Jesus is the gospel of reconciliation. It reconciles first between God and people, and then people with people. This is the ultimate solution to all human problems with no discrimination in culture or ethnicity, for God’s salvation is for all people. It is also the reason of evangelism and missions.

Meditation on the Scripture:
We have been saved by this Messiah, and understand the meaning and mission of this good news. We also share the role and mission of the prophet, and obligate to tell people about God’s judgment and salvation. Please read this Bible passage to meditate on our role and responsibility to share this good news of reconciliation with our family, friends, coworkers and schoolmates.

數算主恩 Count the Blessings

(詩篇一百三十六篇 Psalm 136)






There is a very beautiful hymn named “Count the Blessings”, and it reminds us to count the blessings always. The lyric says that we should count the blessings and name them one by one. When we count the blessings we should do it sincerely.

I want to use this month to be a thanksgiving month, since we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving soon. Let us look back to the past, and count the blessings that God has given us, and we will offer Him the thanks offering in love and worship.

In the following Sundays, we will count the blessings together in our worship services. In the worship services, we will name all the blessings one by one to show our gratitude to the Lord. It is also our witness to the Lord and His love to us.

The church will give everybody some time to count the blessings and offer your thanks offerings. I pray that we will not only count those material blessings or blessings of delivery from our difficult life situations, but also the blessings of some spiritual disciplines and the lessons we have learned from His teachings. Those are the blessings we should not forget. I also pray that you will count the blessings of the unanswered prayers that God did not give what you wanted but gave comfort and peace to substitute them. Let us count the blessings of faith and hope that God has given us instead of fulfilling our requests and desires, for those blessings are the biggest blessings we can get from God. May we know how to recognize the true blessings from God and give Him our deepest gratitude.

Let us work on our spiritual homework in this coming week, and list out all the blessings. We are going to count the blessings and name them one by one in our coming worship service.

知足樂 The Joy of Being Content

(腓立比書 Philippians 4:10-13)






There is an old Chinese saying, “contentment gives you joy”. We all want to have joy, but it is not easy to be content.

How can a person be content? Once there was a child who was tempted by a big amount of candy, but his mom told him not to take more than he needed. The child felt very difficult for he did not know how much was enough. He had two little hands and two pockets. He grasped a handful of candy with one hand, but he did not feel it was enough. He grasped another handful of candy with the other hand. He did not want to stop for he still was not content with what he got, so he filled his two pockets full of the candy he grasped with his two little hands. He then grasped two more handfuls of candy with his hands again. When his mom told him that they had to leave, the child left the candies discontentedly. To this child candies did not give him any joy, but only discontent and pain.

How could Paul say he was satisfied with what he had? He also said that from this contentment he had great joy. Paul said that he was satisfied with too much as well as too little. Verse 13 tells us the reason of his contentment: the contentment in Christ.

The reason for Paul’s strength in facing all conditions, and transforming them into opportunities to serve the Lord, was his constant abiding in Christ. When he was rich, he had more resources to serve the Lord, and was able to reach out to the rich people. When he was poor, he could go to the poor to help them experience the presence of God in poverty and sadness. He could lead the poor to Christ. When he was highly esteemed he took the chance to witness to the nobilities and authorities. When he was arrested he preached to jailers and prisoners. Paul was content and had joy in all circumstances, because the joy he had in Christ had surpassed everything.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Do you have more joy in life or less? Why are you content? If you are not content, why are you not? How are you going to evaluate the contentment of Paul? Please read Philippians 4:10~13 carefully, and meditate on Paul’s secret.

心存溫柔 To Have a Gentle Heart

(腓立比書 Philippians 4:1-9)






From urging two quarrelling people to have same mind in Christ, to encouraging us to be gentle, to urging again us to have joy in the Lord; why Paul had put three totally different things in one essay to teach the Christians in Philippi?

There is no surprise to know that our joy comes from our relationship with others. If we always have problem to relate to people, our life will be miserable. But how can we help people build good and healthy relationship? Paul told us a very effective and fundamental way, and it is to have the same heart of Christ. If two people have the heart of Jesus, they can resolve conflict and love each other again. Their relationship will be healthy and their lives will fill with joy and happiness.

What kind of heart did Christ have? Jesus said that he was gentle and humble in spirit (Matt 11:29). What does it mean to be gentle and humble in spirit? It does not only imply to soft words and compassion, of course they are included, but more important to a sensitive heart toward God and the obedience to His will. Jesus was so sensitive to God and filled with the Father’s love, that he could submit to God wholeheartedly with no reservation. His life was a manifestation of the forgiving love of God through His sacrifice. This is the gentleness of Christ that Paul urged us to imitate. This is the meaning of having the same mind or heart of Christ. Paul wanted us to have the same heart of Christ, so that we will also become a manifestation of Jesus’ gentleness. Paul did not mean that we should unify our thinking and needs, for it is not possible and unnecessary. Who has the right to overrule others thought and needs? Only we can ask ourselves to sacrifice for others, but not vice versa. But still it is too difficult to give up our perspectives and needs, because we are too selfish and self-centered.

Paul did not argue with us from morality or reason. He asked us, as a redeemed race, to have the same heart of Jesus to be sensitive to God’s love for people. Let Jesus’ life transform us to have the same compassion He has for others. Paul said that our hearts should be the same as that of Jesus (2:5).

Meditation on the Scripture:
When you reread the Scripture passage of this Sunday, please look into your relationships to find out to whom you have less Christ like compassion. Will this Bible passage help you to have the same mind of Christ?

不要專顧地上事 Set Our Mind on No Earthly Things

(腓立比書 Philippians 3:17-21)







Earthly things, worldliness, or fleshly wishes are concepts that the Bible usually uses to separate from heavenly things or spiritual concerns. We may ask what exactly do those terms mean. What are the differences we can tell from these terms?

Some one may think that things that involve power, fame, money and pleasure are secular. On the other hand, whatever the church does is spiritual, especially if things are related to missions and evangelism. As a matter of fact, this division is not totally correct, and may oversimplify the case. Even though serving God in His church and doing ministry or sharing Jesus and training disciples are spiritual endeavors, they may not be spiritual to people with the wrong attitude. However, if we seek power, make money and participate in some entertainments for the Lord and His kingdom, they will not be as secular as they look.

In fact, things in themselves are neither secular nor spiritual; it is the attitude of Christians to make them one or the other. Some one uses his business skill as gift from the Lord to serve Him in business. Others use their power to make ministry effective. On the other hand, however, there are people that fight for power and privilege in the church, and use ministry as a way to gain their fame.

How should we distinguish spiritual from worldly? We should say that whatever people do for God and not for self is spiritual. It is a matter of attitude. It was what Paul had mentioned previously; the attitude of “to live is Christ.” It does not matter if we do business, or teach, or study, or even have fun with friends, they are all spiritual if we do it for the Lord and to lead people to Christ.

We believe that only spiritual people make things spiritual. Paul urged us to look upward not downward, to please and glorify God with things that we do. We should not focus so much on ourselves or our needs.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Please reread this Bible passage and reexamine our lives to see if we focus too much on the earthly things. How should we change our attention from the below to the above?

被基督得著了 Grasped By Christ

(腓立比書Philippians 3:12-16)





On the road to Damascus, Paul had experienced being grasped and grasping of his life. This experience of “being grasped” and “grasping” had changed the course of his entire life. What is this experience exactly like?

In Philippians 3:12, Paul says, “But I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” First of all, Paul had realized that the moment he accepted Christ, he was grasped by the Lord. Paul used a very vivid and powerful word to describe his experience, which was “being grasped”. This experience of being grasped is very profound. A closer illustration will be like a lover being grasped by love, or a patriot being called by the army to serve in defending his country. He will have a feeling of belonging, a satisfaction in life, a place to fully utilize his potential gifts, and a taste of deep meaning with full scale in his life. This is the experience of being grasped in life.

Therefore, a person is grasped by Jesus will at the same time immediately receives a mission. After accepting Christ, Paul has apprehended immediately a new life direction, for he realized the reason of his existence and the mission to fulfill in his life. Paul said, “I have to press on to fulfill the reason of being grasped by Christ and my life destiny.” Paul deeply loved Jesus, and in Christ, he was also deeply loved. He was very sure of being sent by the Lord to accomplish a highly noble task. What is then this experience Paul had? This is what Paul told us in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” With such experience, a person will be like Paul to devote his life single-mindedly and whole heartedly to fulfill his mission in Christ. By that way, Paul had grasped his life, and also grasped the fullest meaning of his existence.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Do you have this sense of being grasped like Paul, and at the same time grasping something in your life? Please reread the passages of Philippians 3:12~16 and Galatians 2:20 in this following week.

敬重主僕 Respect God’s Servant

(腓立比書Philippians 2:19-30)







When Paul sent Epaphroditus back to Philippi, he particularly requested Christians in Philippi to receive him with respect, for he had risked his life for serving the Lord. In First Corinthians, Paul had also expressed the similar idea (9:6~14), even though he was defending himself against the accusation of his motivation in preaching the gospel, he gave us a very important spiritual lesson, which is to respect God’s servant.

Why should we respect God’s servant? Besides the mutual respect we should give to one another, or the Chinese tradition of respecting our teachers and their teachings, there are also very rich spiritual lessons for us.

The roles as prophet and shepherd: Post-biblical ministers have assumed two different roles from the Bible, and they are prophet and shepherd. As prophet, they will preach God’s word to the congregation, just like the prophets in the Old Testament proclaiming God’s word to the Israelite. They are the spokesmen of God. God requires His people to listen and obey to the prophets and their teachings. Usually in the Old Testament times, receiving the prophets was receiving God’s messengers, and people treated them as if God was presence among them. Through the prophets and their proclamations God was with His people. In the same way, through preaching and pastoral care given to people by the minister, God is present with His people.

They are laboring for the Lord for their lives: If anyone is willing to give his or her life to serving the Lord, he or she should be given respect, not to mention that, he or she is laboring for our spiritual welfare.

Our spiritual lesson should begin with respecting God’s servant. It is the first lesson to learn to love, respect, and even obey God’s servant. There are a lot of beautiful examples in the Old and New Testaments to show how the disciples of the prophets treated the prophets, and how Timothy, Epaphroditus, Barnabas, Silas, Mark and Luke treated the apostles.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Let us reread the Scripture passage for the sermon for this Sunday, and think of something we can do to show our respect to our brothers and sisters who are laboring in the church.

效法基督 Imitating Christ

(腓立比書Philippians 2:5-11)






Jesus Christ is the second person of the triune God. In Christology, we confess that Jesus has the total nature of God and man, which means that He is wholly God and wholly man. In this Christological confession there is a very profound teaching in spirituality, and that is the discipline of imitating Christ. Jesus is our role model, and His life and deeds have set us the example to imitate. It is also the revelation of God given to us regarding our spiritual pursuit in godly living.

Paul asked the Christians in Philippi to have the same mind in theirs as it was in Jesus. What does it mean to have the same mind in us as it is in Jesus? It means that we share the same perspective and compassion of Jesus, and identify with His lifestyle. As a matter of fact, it is the purpose and goal of discipleship training.

Having the same mind of Jesus is to share and identify with the perspectives and compassion of Jesus. We share and identify with the things Jesus did, and the ways He handled things and relationships as well as His lifestyle. If we share more and more Jesus’ heart, we will be naturally imitating the right and healthy lifestyle that he has revealed to us, which is also the new life that God wants us to put on.

Our church has been providing different fellowships, small groups, Sunday school classes, worship services and discipleship training opportunities for us to imitate Christ and to share His heart. To put it in a straight and simple expression, the purpose and goal for any discipleship training is basically to learn how to share the heart of Jesus and to imitate His life.

Meditation on the Scripture
Please use this Scripture passage to meditate on the life and work of Jesus to share His heart and His passion.

聖靈裡團契 Fellowship in the Holy Spirit

腓立比書Philippians 2:1-4



  1. 我們必須在基督裡。我們接受基督,分享了祂的生命,才能夠成為祂的身體,就是教會,的一部份。
  2. 我們要接受和遵行基督的教訓。聖經的教導可以勸勉我們,賜力量給我們過符合神心意的生活。
  3. 我們要分享基督的愛。基督的愛安慰了我,我便以基督的愛去愛弟兄姊妹。
  4. 在聖靈裡的交通。我們在聖靈的指導和力量底下,與弟兄姊妹一起操練主的教導,並用基督的愛互相照顧與建立,就生活在聖靈的團契裡,也被聖靈所充滿。
  5. 因此,我們各人的心便充滿了基督的慈悲憐憫,教會或團契的生活就出現第二至四節的情況了。



Paul exhorted the disciples in Philippi not to be discouraged, but keep the church life intact. Building church life is ordained by God to allow Christians to grow and serve in a body. The kingdom cannot come to us, and God’s will cannot be done on earth without the existence of His church.

Church life or fellowship is the communion in the Spirit. Paul told us very clearly the contents of church life:

  1. We have to be in Christ. When we have accepted Christ, we share His life, and become parts of His body, which is His church.
  2. We learn and obey Christ’s teachings. God’s word in the Bible will exhort us and give us strength to obey His will and to live a God-pleasing lifestyle.
  3. We share the love of Christ. The love of Christ comforts us, and with this love, we love our brothers and sisters.
  4. We have fellowship in the Spirit. Under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we, together with our brothers and sisters, exercise the spiritual disciplines, and build up our fellowship to love and care about each other. This is what the Bible means a spirit-filled life.
  5. Therefore our hearts become tendered and are filled with Christ’s compassion. With such heart, the contents of the first four in church life will become a reality in our fellowship.

At the same time, when we have the first, second, third and fifth, the fourth will then be completely fulfilled among us. When we say we are spirit-filled, we are talking about the above biblical teachings, and all those five conditions are fully filled in our church life. Let us pursue such Bible taught spirit-filled fellowship in our church.

Meditation on the Scripture
Do you want to have a spirit-filled church life? What does Paul teach you on church life? What are you going to respond to this Bible teaching?

你有一使命 You Have a Mission




Every Christian should have a mission in his or her life, because on the day we have accepted Christ as our Savior and Lord, we were commanded to share the gospel and train disciples.

I believe that the majority of people hope to live a life with a purpose, for a purpose in our lives will give direction, and only if we have a life direction we will be able to live a meaningful life. Christian should live the most meaningful life, because we have a mission. This is a very important mission, for it will affect people’s lives eternally. This mission of sharing the gospel and training disciples is a life-building mandate, and we are all commissioned by the Lord on the day that we accepted Him as our Lord.

I encourage you to choose either to commit yourselves in sharing the gospel or training disciples as your participation in our church life. I pray that you will give your time and energy in this life-building mandate. Please contact Bigang and Shanhua to learn about this ministry, and they will be happy to involve you in this most meaningful work.

活出福音的生活 Live a Life Worthy of the Gospel

(腓立比書Philippians 1:27-30)



One’s lifestyle and conduct should reflect one’s identity. Japanese loves to put on their traditional outfits in some important public events for they are proud of being Japanese. During the New Testament times, the Romans were traveling everywhere but they kept their Roman lifestyle and carried with their national pride. Paul exhorted the Philippians’ brethren to have the lifestyle that would reflect their identity as Christ followers and the dignity of the kingdom citizenship.

Paul’s life was shown to be the example for the Philippians, for he was not ashamed of being the disciple of Jesus (Romans 1:16). Wherever Paul went, he publicly proclaimed the gospel, and was ready to suffer for his faith and Christ.

At that time Christians would receive pressure and even persecution if they wanted to live the kingdom lifestyle. Therefore, Paul urged the brethren in Philippi to keep themselves in fellowship with the spirit of unity, and stand firm in faith, to allow them to be strong enough to take challenges from outside.

When Paul exhorted them to live a kingdom lifestyle, he also reminded them that they were not alone to face all those pressure and challenge for he had been struggling all along in the past. Therefore, Paul knew what they were facing and wanted to tell them the secret of overcoming hardships, which was the strength from God’s grace and Christian fellowship.

Meditation on the Scripture
Please use verse 27 in your daily life, and think of ways to live a life worthy of the gospel.

誠實無過 Free From Impurity and Blames

(腓立比書Philippians 1:10-11)


Paul prayed for us to live a life being free from impurity and blame. If we want to be free from impurity and blame, we must first know how to differentiate good from evil (or to choose the best). How to define good? Good to Paul means good in God’s eye, which are the spiritual things that the Bible teaches us.

It is a very serious issue that demands us to think through it: Do we see all the spiritual disciplines as good as the Bible teaches us? Paul urges us not only just to differentiate good from evil, but to choose the best. A lot of Christians know that the Bible teaches us good things, but they do not necessary choose those good things, for if they choose them, they should also practice them.

As a matter of fact, many things in life are right but not good. Some situations even cause us a deeper thinking, which people in the society think right and good, but the Bible has a total different perspective. This is where Paul warns us to give caution to. Therefore, in the previous verse Paul urges us to increase our ability of discernment. Christians should take Bible as the standard measure for everything. Whenever there is a conflict between the social value and the biblical value, we should accept the biblical value and use it to evaluate our understanding and the secular perspectives. If we choose the best, and love whatever the Bible says right and good, we will be able to free from impurity and blame, and bear the fruit of righteousness.

Have you heard of any biblical teaching in this worship service and know that it is good? How may you put what you have learned into your daily practice in this coming week?

體會耶穌的心腸 Have the Same Heart of Jesus

(腓立比書Philippians 1:1-11)


Even though Paul wrote this epistle in the prison, his spirit revealed in it as an encouragement to people became their joy and strength in preaching the gospel. Paul had labored very hard for the gospel and people’s spiritual growth, but he had no complaint. Instead, he kept praying for them and gained joy by doing it. (1:3-4) I believe that Paul must be filled with Christ’s love in his heart. Because of love Jesus came to us and suffered for us. Paul had shared Christ’s love, so that he also loved others with the same love.

The perseverance of Paul in preaching the gospel tells us that sharing the gospel had the top priority in his life, and therefore, even prison would not stop him. He was so pleased to hear that people shared his enthusiasm to preach the gospel which brought joy to his heart. (1:5-8) Because Paul had shared Christ’s love, so that he also shared His mission. The purpose for Jesus coming to us was to fulfill the salvation plan, and by sharing Christ’s life, preaching the gospel became also the purpose for Paul to live. Jesus cared about His disciples very much, and for three years He taught them and prayed for them. Paul also cared about his brothers and sisters, and prayed for their love, faith, wisdom and godly life everyday. He had labored very hard to teach and discipline them. (1:9-11) In Paul’s life, we can easily see the image of Christ, because he had shared the same heart of Jesus.

關心主所關心的 Care What the Lord Cares





John 17 is the prayer of Jesus before he was crucified on the cross. In this last prayer there are full of passion and teachings, and from it we will learn the things concern our Lord most. It is also the model prayer that Jesus has set for us.

First of all, looking toward heaven is a common gesture of how a Jew will pray, and Jesus prayed with this very gesture to remind us the divine dimension of prayer. When we pray let us pray with our eyes looking toward heaven not just focusing on earthly things. Only if we focus our prayer on the heavenly things, we can understand God’s will.

From verses one to ten, we find out that there are two things in Jesus’ prayer, which are glorifying God and caring about His disciples. Jesus wants to glorify God, and glorifying God actually is his deepest concern. He knows that there is only one way to glorify God, which is by obeying God’s will. Therefore, in His prayer, He asks God to give Him the power to accomplish His task in order through His service God’s name will be glorified.

The second important thing in His prayer is the spiritual life of His disciples. He has been unceasingly praying for His disciples even to the last minute of His crucifixion. He keeps praying for their spiritual healthiness and maturity in Him and God.

If we want to learn about prayer, we should learn from Jesus’ prayer. The things that Jesus cares most should also be the things we care most. Should we pray for God’s glory, and the spiritual lives of our brothers and sisters?

人生何求 What are you seeking in life?






When I was little I had read a lot of stories and found out that many of those stories had a common theme, which was making life decisions. There was a story talking about two brothers. The little brother had dropped his old rusty axe into the river and prayed that he could get it back. The older brother, on the other hand, was praying for a golden axe even though he had intentionally dropped an old rusty axe. When we read these stories sometimes we find them so true that they actually happen in the real life.

Wisdom in life always finds its expression in our every day life decisions. Agur has two wishes and his prayer demonstrates his profound wisdom in life. He asks God to give him a truthful heart that he will handle God’s word faithfully, and won’t abuse the biblical teachings to justify his desires. He also asks God not to make him poor nor rich, because he gives God his highest priority in life.

Agur’s prayer reveals not only his wisdom but also his courage and faith. He asks God not to make him poor. His request is quite understandable for it is a real need. However, he also understands that real need sometimes will hinder us to pursuit our spiritual needs, and he chooses to minimize his physical needs to give room to enrich his spiritual life. I think he really gives us an important advice.

But his courage is expressed in his choice of not being rich. Knowing what to ask will reflect a person’s wisdom, but on the other hand, knowing what not to ask needs even greater wisdom and courage. Agur asks God not to make him rich, which is quite unthinkable in our society. I think even Christians may not necessary understand Agur or share his attitude. Agur does not want to be rich has deeper meaning, and it is not just some common criticism on rich people. Agur is convinced that spiritual richness is more important than material wealth. It is the former that will truly give him happiness. His wisdom expressed in this choice: to choose the best, even if he has to give up the second with no hesitation.

I encourage you to read Proverbs 30:1-9 again this week, and meditate on the things that we want to ask from God.

主祈求合 The Lord Prays for Unity

(約翰福音John 17:11-26)

神的榮耀:合一的最終目的是榮耀神(17:22, 24)。在這個充滿矛盾、紛爭和自私的社會中,教會的合一見證會成為神的榮耀。


Before Jesus was nailed on the cross, he made a very long prayer, and more than half of the prayer was interceding for the unity of the disciples.

Unity is the most important and fundamental spiritual discipline in church life. Jesus had reminded His disciples repeatedly to seek unity in fellowship. Paul, in his epistles, was also doing the same thing talking tirelessly about the unity issue. Interestingly in Jesus’ prayer, we find three important theological implications in the concept of unity: the Trinity, Christ’s love, and God’s glory.

Trinity: Jesus urged disciples to keep the unity, which was demonstrated by Him and the heavenly Father (17:11). The concept of Trinity maintains that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three different and unique persons but in one substance. What the concept of Trinity implies in church life is that unity is not conformity and the unique personality of every individual should be respected and nurtured, but at the same time, everybody can live harmoniously in one fellowship and ministry.

Christ’s love: The foundation of unity is love (17:26). This is not an ordinary love, but the selfless and sacrificial love of Christ, for ordinary love is selfish, and egotistic. Only the love of Christ will bring everybody into one fellowship.

God’s glory: The ultimate purpose for unity is the glory of God (17:22, 24). In this society with all the conflicts, selfishness and egoism, the unity of church life with bring glory to God.

Meditation on the Scripture
How will you discipline yourself to keep the unity in our church? Can you do something for our church to promote unity in this following week?

寬恕與被寬恕 To Forgive and To Be Forgiven

(馬太福音 Matthews 5: 23-24; 6:14)



Why did Jesus talk about the issue of forgiving and being forgiven so many times? It’s because God is very serious about our relationship with him and also the core of the gospel is to rebuild broken relationships; first God and human beings, and then people to people.

Our sufferings come mostly from unhealthy relationships rather than from natural disasters. When we get hurt or when we hurt others in conflicting relationships, it makes us very unhappy and we are unable to function fruitfully. A meaningful life must come from the satisfactions of work and relationship. In fact, the joy of work is also affected by relationship. With all of our relationships, our relationship with God should be the most important and fundamental one. Interestingly enough, however, our relationship with God will be directly affected by our relationship with people! This is the reason that Jesus asks us to make peace with people first before God will make peace with us. Likewise, if we say we love God, let us first love our fellows (1 John 4:20~21).

Jesus even goes a step further, and says that if we choose not to forgive, or not to seek forgiveness, God will not be pleased by our act of worship (Matt 5:23~24).

It is not easy to forgive or to seek forgiveness, for it involves a lot of emotions and pride. However, we have all experienced at least once how miserable life can be if we choose to live with an unforgiving heart. This kind of unhappiness will destroy our health in body, soul, and spirit. God wants us to have a happy and abundant life, so He demands us to love and forgive.

Meditation on the Scripture:
Please read carefully the Bible verses listed in this article and meditate on their teachings. Please pray to the Holy Spirit for the strength to forgive and to seek forgiveness.

財富 Fortune





In a Chinese saying, “Man will die for money and bird will be captured by chasing food.” Majority of people chase after only two things in their lives, and these things are love and money. They both have one thing in common, which is the motivation of survival. Between money and love, money is always more important than love, for many people are willing to sacrifice love and family happiness for money.

Our attitude toward wealth can also be used as a measure to check the priority in our lives to reveal things that have more value. Therefore, Jesus once said, “For your heart will always be where your riches are.” (Matt. 6:21) Bible requires us to tithe to reflect our attitude toward God and His kingdom, and on the other hand, to allow us to practice not putting money higher than God.

Bible does not prohibit us to earn money or do business to create wealth. In the Old Testament, especially, is using material goods as blessing to those who love God and obey His word. However, Bible does make it very clear that, loving God should be put first, and the material blessings will follow. Or otherwise, we don’t know how to use wealth correctly, further more to depart us from God, and turn blessing into cursing in our lives.

Do we really know how much we love God? It is very simple, and we can find out immediately by seeing how we give to God in every worship service.

藉著信 Through Faith

(腓立比書Philippians 3:1-11)






In Paul’s letters, he always defended Christian faith against Judaisers’ influences in the church.

The majority of the first generation Christians in the early churches were Jews, who brought with them the tradition and customs of Judaism into the church life. Their understanding of Christian faith was most likely with the perspective of the Jewish rabbinic teachings. Some Christian Judaisers might enthusiastically argue with churches and apostles with their Judaic biases. This was the reason for Paul to write letters to different churches to teach the correct doctrines and respond to challenges.

There was one very confusing issue among others and it was the issue of salvation. How should a person be saved? The Judaisers argued that in addition to having faith in Jesus, one must keep the Jewish law, and observe the Jewish customs. They were very proud of their identity as the chosen people, and required every non-Jewish believer to observe circumcision, or otherwise, they would not be called a righteous person. Paul fought restlessly against such judaized opinion, and prevented the gospel of Christ from corruption. In the epistle of Philippians, Paul only mentioned lightly again this issue (3:1b) and did not want to go any further, but we can find the detail discussions in Romans and Galatians.

The salvation of Jesus is the extended hand of the forgiveness of God to people, and calling them to reconcile with Him to become His children. Since Jesus’ redemption is to bring back a reconciled relationship, and God has already forgiven us and welcomes us to be His children, therefore, the response people need to make is to accept this gift and acknowledge Jesus as the Lord in their lives, and then they will be claimed righteous and make peace with God. Jesus just asks us for an attitude change, and through Him, we receive God to be the Lord in our lives. This attitude change is the most fundamental and necessary, and has nothing to do with any moral or religious achievement. This is what Paul has asserted so many times in his writings the doctrine of “salvation through faith by grace”.

Meditation on the Scripture:
When we make our decision to accept Jesus, we make the decision to change our life attitude, and take Jesus as the Lord in our lives. This is exactly the situation Paul mentioned in 3:7~11. Let us reflect on our conversion experience, and compare our lives with Paul’s life mentioned in this paragraph.

靈裡的選舉 Election in the Spirit





Baptist polity adopts the congregational system in church management. They believe that God intends the whole church to seek His will together in church business and uses our gifts to serve the body. In the normal situation, when God reveals His will to the church, He will bring the consent to the majority to confirm a particular insight, and use different gifts to build up the body, for He wants us to serve Him in one accord.

Based on this belief, we elect our church leaders. We try to administer our election in the Holy Spirit to seek His will in calling our council leaders. Therefore, we urge our brothers and sisters to take our election seriously and prayerfully to seek God’s will together to elect those who are called by the Lord.

Every time before the nomination and election, we should pray for ourselves first to wait for God’s calling to the ministry. If the Holy Spirit calls you to a ministry, you should share that calling with other brothers and sisters, and ask them to pray for you. Secondly, you should pray for others, and ask the Holy Spirit to call people to serve in the church. Once if you have some one in your prayer, you should share your seeing with that person, and pray together to wait for the confirmation from the Holy Spirit. When we come to the day of nomination, we should nominate under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and also wait for at least two people to give the confirmations to second the motion. Any motion for a nominee should be carried with two seconds from the congregation. When the nomination is closed and a pool of nominees is established, the whole church should pray for all the nominees, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into the election.

There is no loss or win in church election, for it is God who chooses His people to serve in different positions. Every position is equally important and noble in God’s perspective. Church election is also a kind of spiritual discipline to allow us to learn to serve the Lord and seek His will. It is also the opportunity to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey His calling.

快樂階梯 The Pyramid of Happiness




God wants us to live happily. This is the reason why Paul tells us to be joyful always. We can find in the Old Testament books full of God’s promises of giving happiness to His people. In Bible, however, happiness has its unique definition, and therefore, God also requires us to acquire happiness in a unique way.

We can use a pyramid to illustrate how Christians should pursuit happiness, and reveal our profound understanding in this issue. Christians are also human beings, so we have physical needs. We will pursuit earthly wealth, even though we understand that material goods won’t necessary quarantine happiness, especially spiritual joy. As matter of fact, we see rich people and professionally successful people are unhappy in their lives. Sometimes, we also see people are unhappy even though they have a lot of friends.

Bible tells us that the ultimate source of happiness is in the Lord. Paul tells us with no hesitation that we will have joy in the union with Christ, “May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord. I say it again: rejoice!” (Phil 4:4) We can find the ladder to happiness in the Bible, and know that the ultimate source of joy and its highest contentment is in the relationship with the Lord.

靈修樂 The Joy of Devotion





Since the church has promoted daily devotion, I heard many brothers and sisters asking methods of how to do devotion, and also complaining the boredom of doing it. Many said that they have tried but because of the tedium of reading the Bible that they lost the enthusiasm eventually. It does not only happen to young believers, but also to old Christians. I would like to address these issues with two points:

First, Bible to some people is hard to understand. Many people have hard time to comprehend the teachings of the Bible, and feel bore in their devotional reading. They will very soon give up their daily practices. To respond to this situation, I would recommend some easy reading devotional materials. Our church has introduced many devotional materials or books recently that can help improve this situation. I encourage you to order or buy one or two such devotional materials to help you start your daily quiet time with the Lord. Besides, you can join or create one small group to do devotion together, which will help you understand what you read in the Bible, and add more fun in your quiet time.

Second, people do not practice what they learn from the Bible. Practicing God’s word is the most exciting thing in your devotional reading, and it is the purpose of daily devotion. While many biblical teachings look simple when you read them, but practices will bring out their richness. Practices will also help us understand the biblical teachings deeper. Many Christians have been reading Bible for many years but still are very ignorance even in many simple teachings, because they never put God’s word into practices. Definitely we need to learn the spiritual truth first in order to practice it, but the truth will not reveal its depth to us if we don’t practice them.

I strongly encourage you to learn by heart one biblical teaching every week and put it into practice to enrich your quiet time with the Lord, and make your devotional reading more practical and useful.

眾樂樂 The Joy of Making People Happy




On these two Sundays, we will talk about husband and wife relationship in our worship service and Sunday school. Some principles of marital relationship are also principles for building healthy relationship among friends. One ancient Chinese saying has some truth to advise a married couple to treat each other like friends. What it means is that, husband and wife should not abuse their relationship simply because they are married and have a very intimate relationship.

In people relationship, sometimes, we see the closeness will be used as an excuse to abuse friendship. What does it mean? It means that when two persons become close friends, they tend to ignore the principles that they used to observe to build their friendship, and allow their selfish desires have their own ways. Therefore, it will not be surprised to see two persons once become good friends to start fighting and arguing, and eventually to break the friendship.

Of course, we know there are a lot of reasons contributing into this issue, and it is no way to discuss them in this little article. I just want to bring out one thing for discussion, and it is the principle of making people happy is the happiest thing in relationship.

In the earlier stage of building friendship, we are more eager to be considerate and to make people happy for it will make us happy too and secure the friendship. However, once the friendship is built and the relationship is getting closer, our attitude will also change, and become more self-centered and selfish. We will be less eager to give in and more demanding.

Going out of our self-centeredness or selfishness is the process of maturity, and friends or our spouse are the biggest helpers in this process of growth. Therefore, if we want to enjoy relationship, no matter, they are friendship or husband and wife relationship, the principle of making people happy is the happiest thing in relationship is always the golden rule.

保護語言環境 Conserving the Environment of Words





Nowadays, people are more conscious about conserving our environment, from government to voluntary organizations, to individuals; everybody enthusiastically joins in the force of conserving the nature. If we want to live a healthy and happy life, we have to protect the nature, and don’t pollute the lands, rivers and seas or the air.

As matter of fact, many people have realized how geographical environment affects our living quality, but still ignore the impact that mental environment gives to our life, especially to our spiritual well being and character. Verbal environment is part of this mental environment, which will affect our spiritual well being. We should be responsible for conserving our verbal environment to allow others and ourselves to live happily and healthily.

If we want to conserve the natural environment, first of all, we should not abuse and pollute it; and then, through purifying and greening we restore the beauty of the creation. Likewise, if we want to conserve the verbal environment, we should not abuse our right of speech to pollute the shared mental environment. However, we should use our tongue positively to add beauty into the world of words, for instance, words of encouragement or comfort.

God has given us a lot of lessons regarding words and speech in the book of Proverbs. Can you list them out from the book to learn what God wants us to do with our tongue?

控制舌頭 Control Our Tongue




Speaking is a God given ability to human beings. People need to speak and love to speak. The purpose for speaking is not only to communicate, but also to express our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Like other spiritual disciplines, speaking is also a discipline to Christians, and we should be consciously practicing it according to the biblical teaching in this area. We should dedicate our tongue to the Lord, and let Him use it to bless and build people up, and correctly and healthy to express our thoughts and emotions.

I have once preached that speech is a form of power, which can build up life as well as destroy life. Christian must be very cautious in speech, for we are messengers of peace, and working with God to build up life. If we speak carelessly, we may destroy people’s faith, and push them away from receiving Jesus. This is a sin of harming people’s spiritual life.

However, if we can make good use of our tongue to encourage a person to grow or to lead another person to Jesus, then we are good stewards in speech, and people’s life will be blessed.

有人需要你 Someone Needs You




Recently, I have deeply realized that life is not easy, because I saw so many people suffered from a lot of stress and hardships. Conflicts in relationship, sickness, and loved ones passed away or being sick, plus work stress and challenges, all make our church out of breath.

However, we also saw God was with us even in suffering and stress, and His love and encouragement would never leave us. I thank God for I saw people have managed their lives through sufferings, and others stood up again from the bottom of the valley of life, and even more that some became others’ comfort.

I have just gone through a little more than fifty years in life, and am still asking the old question. What is life? How can I live a beautiful and good life? Easy and smooth life should not be the answer. But a life that is strong enough to pick up challenges and handle stress, and willing to be comforted when in suffering. A life that is eager to help others especially after going through suffering.

If I must go through suffering and challenge, I pray that I will not ask God to remove it, but for strength to overcome it, and comfort in the midst of it. This is what I have tasted in Christian fellowship, and what I am trying to build among us. I truly believe that it is a great blessing to receive comfort in suffering, and those who comfort the sufferer are angels from God. I pray that we will have a lot of comforting angels in our church.

進入安息年 Enter Into A Sabbatical Year





Observing Sabbath as the holy day is the fourth commandment that God commands us to keep for Him after six days of work and labor. What does it mean by “keeping it holy unto the Lord”? We should understand its meaning before we can fully grasp the meaning of observing the Sabbath. Hence, we will appreciate the reason that God gives to this commandment, and commands us to keep the seventh day as a holy day.

God has created us to work with Him as His stewards to manage this creation including our life and daily activities. We, therefore, find satisfaction and happiness in work. Unfortunately, however, we are very easily lost in work, and mistakenly think that we alone can create the world and master our life, so much so that, work becomes everything in our life. We forget our role as stewards and disguise ourselves as the masters of our life and the world and God has no place in our hearts. God sets aside the seventh day as the Sabbath day for He has finished His creation, and reminds us that He is the only Lord and we are His stewards. Therefore, Sabbath day is not only for us to rest from work, but also a day to refocus and adjust our spiritual life and attitude toward our daily living. We have no part in any creation for God has done all the creation by Himself alone. We are only stewards, and cannot create anything except manage what have been entrusted to us. If we want to lord over God’s creation, we will bring damage and chaos to the nature, our life and relationships. This is the reason why God strictly commands us to observe the Sabbath day.

Let us examine our life, from our personal spirituality to family life, from our daily work life to church life and ministry, to readjust our focus, and learn to be a happy and healthy steward to work with the Lord.

生命影響生命 Life Impacts Life




What does it mean to have life impacting life? We are impacting people by our life which is manifested in our daily living. This is the way how life is impacted by others. It is inescapable that we must impact other’s life in every contact. Just like the father will impact their children, teachers will impact their students, and even among friends impacts are explicit. Do we want to give a good impact on people’s lives, especially on those who are around us?

When we read the epistles of Paul, we should focus on his life and lifestyle, and be ready for any impact made on our life.

If we realize the importance of life impacting life, we will understand why we are held accountable for others, for we are impacting their lives everyday. It is the very reason to motivate us to learn from Paul’s life, and hopefully in return, we will impact people’s lives just like Paul does on us. Paul urges us to learn from him, for he is learning from Christ, so that we will also learn from Christ. If we learn from Paul, we can be sure that the impact we make on people’s life is the impact from Christ, so that they will also be able to experience Christ’s life in us.

愛與管教 Love and Discipline





Parenting is not an easy job for most parents for we don’t know how to maximize the advantages of love and discipline in raising children. We want our children to be healthy and talented, to be good in both academia and character, and they are also loving God and caring about people, plus knowing how to respect their parents and elderly. On the other hand, we also realize that those virtues won’t come naturally in kid’s life. Parents sometimes pay extra effort but get very little result in teaching kids. Even worse, we, as parents, don’t necessary have the correct concept of life and always expect wrongly our kids in their growth and development, which minimize the educational effort of bringing them up to such ideal persons. I want to share two fundamental ideas with our parents to inspire us if we can learn something from the Bible.

First of all, we need to examine our understanding of life, because we will only teach our kids what we think important in life, and how we handle things and relationships. As matter of fact, we do not pass on to our kid only genetic traits, but also our characters, personalities, and spiritual qualities; and we also know that such personality and spiritual qualities are more important in their life formation. The first difficult thing in parenting is to require us to grow in our personal and spiritual characters as we nurture our kid to grow. The purpose of Christian character formation and spiritual growth to us as parents, therefore, goes beyond personal spirituality and has a very important function in family education.

Secondly, even though everybody should have responsibility in educating others, we may not have adequate knowledge and right skills to educate them. The second difficult thing in parenting is to make time to learn the knowledge and skills in raising kids. Parents love their kids, but they may not know how to love them correctly. If we do not know how to love them correctly, we may not be able to discipline them with good result.

Bible has a lot of good things for us to learn to build healthy personal and spiritual life, and it also tells us God’s love and discipline. Christian parents should have more advantages to be good parents for we have a new life, and have always been experiencing God’s love and discipline. We can also easily consult the Bible for knowledge and skills in raising kids. I encourage Christian parents to have fellowship constantly to encourage each other, and to learn from the Bible the ways to nurture their kids with God’s word, and to provide them a more sound and holistic family education.

你們當追念 You Should Remember

(彌迦書Micah 6:5)






“My people, remember …that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord”. It was the statement that the prophets always used to remind the Israelites. They reminded them not to forget their history, for in their past had stored the richest treasure of God’s actions and revelations.

God has given us the most important and valuable power, and it is the power of memory. Once if we possess the ability to remember, we have the sense of time which gives the continuity in our life to make history possible. That is our memory which gives birth to our history and culture, and our life will be ascended from the animal world to the human civilizations.

How a person understands and interprets his past will determine the way he handles his present and future. God always inspires us by helping us to reflect on and interpret our past to give us wisdom to handle challenges and to make right decisions. When the prophet reminded his people to learn from their history, he wanted them to see God’s righteous acts. God often through revealing to the prophets teaches His people the spiritual principles and perspectives to interpret their past to realize His acts in history.

We must learn to reflect on and interpret our past, or otherwise, we cannot see how God leads our way in life. When we reflect on our past, we should use the biblical principles and perspectives to do the interpretation, so that we won’t be lost in the midst of the massive fragments and happenings, and be able to lift our eyes to the spiritual level to see the will of God in our life.

Let us reflect on our past and find out the guidance of God in our life. With such understanding we may know God’s plan for us.

與神同行 Walking With God

(彌迦書Micah 6:1-8) 







生活的智慧 The Wisdom of Living


In Chinese culture, wisdom is the ability to handle knowledge to serve the good purpose. Quite similar to Proverbs, wisdom in the Chinese literature is usually used in ethical cause for building up a moral person.

In the olden days, when a person pursued knowledge or education, he or she was pursuing a moral life. However, education in today is almost totally limited in acquiring information and book knowledge, and no one seems to care about morality or ethics, not to say building up a moral person. Therefore, studying Proverbs is very important in today society, which will help people with head full of knowledge gain some wisdom and know how to live a godly life.

Wisdom in Proverbs is not only a skill or a tactics of life, but the quality of a God-fearing life. Without such spiritual life quality, wisdom will be downgraded as skill of manipulation. What kind of wisdom should a Christian seek after? All the wisdom we want should spring from the fear of the Lord, just as proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Christian should have some skills to handle life situations, for in which we can put biblical principles into practices. Holy Spirit wants to give us wisdom to live out God’s word to glorify His name, and to bring good to our lives and other people’s lives.

禱告的操練 Spiritual Discipline of Prayer


I heard some one uses breathing as an analogy to talk about the importance of prayer. Like breathing will sustain life, prayer will grow our spiritual life.

But why does spiritual life need prayer to grow? Is prayer only a means to get what you want from God? If I need nothing from God why should I pray? This is how most people see prayer, and they will pray to God only if they need something from Him. When prayer is so called “answered” they are happy, but if not, they will blame God for not answering as they asked. With such wrong understanding of prayer, “prayer” makes many Christians distance from God further and further away. Their spiritual lives will be weakened as they pray, and God becomes their idol, and therefore, Christian faith is viewed as another kind of witchcraft.

If prayer is not a means to make God work for us, then, what is prayer? Prayer is a spiritual discipline to allow us to seek deeper understanding of God, and to know and obey His will and teaching. Prayer is also a service or ministry that we can use to minister others. When the disciples asked Jesus about prayer, our Lord gave them a principle of prayer, and made it clear that it was a very crucial spiritual discipline.

In Jesus’ teaching, we can see the important relationship between prayer and the understanding of God’s will and His kingdom, and how we can fellowship with each other. Jesus taught us to pray unceasingly because prayer will bring understanding of God’s will, and give us strength to obey His teaching, and motivate us to fulfill the kingdom mission. It will also teach us how to build fellowship with our fellow Christians, and to live a simple life to glorify God.

If we understand the teaching of our Lord in prayer, and do it accordingly, prayer will build us a strong spiritual life so that we can bless others and glorify God.

主為何要復活 Why Must Jesus Resurrect from Death?


There are two important dates in our Christian faith, which are Christmas and Easter. But to the publics, Christmas seems to be more important and welcomed than Easter. There may be reasons that Christmas is the season of celebrating Jesus’ birthday, together with the beautiful images that the Bible gives to the birth of Jesus, which give people the feeling of peace and joy. Easter, however, is so closely related to the death and suffering of the Lord, and the agony of His disciples that gives people the feelings of sadness and depression. Therefore, people like to celebrate Christmas more than Easter, and it is sometimes even true to many Christians.

Interestingly, however, that Paul gave us a quite different perspective when he wrote the First Corinthians, and has clearly confirmed that the resurrection of Jesus was the foundation of our faith (1 Cor 15:17-19). Christmas, from this perspective, gains its significance from Easter, for if Christ did not resurrect He was only just one of many wise men or religious leaders. If Jesus did not resurrect from death, His contribution to us was not salvation, but only leaving us with a model of a sage or some inspiring sayings.

Jesus had to resurrect from death for He needed to prove himself not being only as wise man, a moral teacher or a religious leader, but also as what He said to be the Son of God. The disciples, because of having experienced Jesus’ resurrection, had changed their perception on Jesus, and were convinced that He was the God-incarnated Messiah.

Jesus had to resurrect from death, or otherwise, he is not able to save us, for salvation will bring two consequences, and they are sin being forgiven and new life (John 3:16). No person under heaven is able to forgive sin and give new life to anybody except God. Jesus had to resurrect from death to prove that he is God, and has the power and authority to forgive our sin and give us new lives just as God had created us lives.

Jesus had to resurrect from death to fulfill His promise of being with us always. We are saved when we have received Jesus as our Savior, but we are not perfect yet. For helping us to grow, Jesus has promised to be with us. It is because He lives, we will not be despaired even though we have so many struggles in life.

七項關乎耶穌復活的事實 Seven Facts of the Resurrection of Jesus

  1. 耶穌預言祂的復活
    Jesus predicted His resurrection (Matt 16:21; Mark 9:9-10; John 2:18-22).
  2. 舊約預言祂的復活
    The Old Testament prophesied it (Psalm 16:10; compare Acts 2:25-31; 13:33-37).
  3. 墳墓是空的,如果有人要禁止使徒的宣講,只要把屍體拿出來就可以了,但沒有人能這樣做
    The tomb was empty and the grave clothes vacant. if those who opposed Christ wished to silence His disciples, all they had to do was produce a body, but they could not (John 20:3-9).
  4. 有許多人親眼看過復活的耶穌;他們看見祂的面容,摸過祂的身體,聽過祂的聲音,又跟祂一同吃過飯
    Many people saw the resurrected Christ. They looked on His face, touched Him, heard His voice, and saw Him eat (Matt. 28:16-20; Luke 24:13-39; John 20:11-29; John 21:1-9; Acts 1:6-11; 1 Cor. 15:3-8).
  5. 門徒的生命因為經歷了耶穌的復活起了革命性的轉變。他們雖然在耶穌被捉拿時怕得要死,逃跑了、躱起來了,甚至否認跟耶穌的關係,但不到兩個月他們竟然不怕死,開始宣揚耶穌復活的事。
    The lives of the disciples were revolutionized. Though they fled and even denied Christ at the time of His arrest, they later feared no one in their proclamation of the risen Christ (Matt 26:56, 69-75).
  6. 耶穌的復活是初期教會宣講的主題。教會雖然不斷增長,但卻沒有改變對基督復活的信念,並以這位復活的基督作為教會的主。
    The resurrection was the central message of the early church. The church grew with an unwavering conviction that Christ had risen and was the Lord of the church (Acts 4:33; 5:30-32; Rom. 5:24).
  7. 今天依然有成千上萬的人見證這位復活的基督如何改變了他們的生命。我們知道耶穌是活著的,不單是擁有大量的歷史和聖經的證據,更是因為祂奇妙地改變了我們的生命。
    Men and women today testify that the power of the risen Christ has transformed their lives. We know that Jesus is alive not only because of the historical and biblical evidence but also because He has miraculously touched our lives.

把信仰帶回家│Take Faith Home
The resurrection of Jesus to us is also a promise that He will empower us to transform our bad lifestyle and habits. Please find one thing either from your lifestyle or habits that you want Him to transform and put it into your prayer and work on it this week.

逾越節 Passover


Passover is a festival for Israelites to celebrate the Exodus experience. God had prepared a lamb and used its blood to deliver them from the slavery, and that lamb became the Passover lamb. This Passover lamb now becomes the symbol of Jesus Christ and His death to bring salvation to all mankind.

During the Passover meals Israelites can only eat unleavened bread. In New Testament, the bread unleavened symbolizes no sin, and that bread becomes the symbol of the body of our Lord Jesus. Our sin can be forgiven unless by some one who has no sin and has the power to forgive. Jesus has committed no sin in his entire life, because he obeyed the heavenly Father. Jesus was the God incarnated who came to sacrifice for saving us from sin. Therefore, the Passover meal has transformed into the Lord’s Supper, and during the Lord’s Supper he revealed His work of redemption. Jesus is that Passover Lamb. His body was hung on the cross, and the bread is the symbol of His body broken for all human beings.

Passover has transformed into the Lord’s Supper that we have been observing on the first Sunday of every month. Jesus has saved those who accepted Him as their Savior and Lord from the bondage of sin. Next Sunday will be the Easter Sunday, and I encourage you to prepare to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and our new lives in Him.

為何不可含怒到日落 Why not to stay angry all day


It is impossible for us to avoid anger in our life. When everything goes against our will, and we lose control, we will easily lose temper. No matter what cause our anger, even if we can justify our anger with good reason, anger will definitely hurt our body mind and spirit.

Paul said, “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”. He did not say that we cannot be angry, but do not let ourselves stay angry too long. We should not go to bed with anger for it will hurt our sleep and eventually our health. When we are tossed and turned on bed with anger, we will be easily tempted to sin. Paul warned us not to give the devil a foothold. If we are too angry to sleep, we will give devil opportunities to tempt or attach us. If we stay angry until the next morning, how can we pray and have devotions? Our hearts will be filled with pains and hatred. Then we can not experience and show the love and forgiveness of Jesus.

We ask the Holy Spirit to help us with our emotions and to learn from Jesus’ examples of being gentle and humble. We can be witness for God through our forgiveness of others and through the peace and joy in Christ Jesus.

敬畏神 Fear God


The theme for Proverbs is to teach us to live a godly life, therefore it repeatedly points out that only if we fear God (take God seriously or have reverence for God) we can live wisely, and in fact, fear God is the first principle in life.

Today we don’t lack of knowledge, but we always live unwisely. We don’t know how to discern between right and wrong, or don’t know what should or should not do, or even follow the wrong priority to mess up our daily life.

In this knowledge explosion era we are confused by more and more complicated problems and chaos that knowledge has brought to us. But unfortunately, people only hunger for knowledge but despise wisdom, even ridicule Christian faith.

If we exclude our Creator from our life, and don’t want to listen to Him, and hate to follow His instructions, how can we manage our life and society well?

Proverbs reminds us, especially if we call ourselves children of God, not to live an unwise living. Fear God is the beginning (the first principle) of all wisdoms. If we diligently study God’s word and are willing to follow His instructions, our life will be full of wisdom.

向神守時 Be Punctual to God


Spiritual discipline is not only limited to Bible reading, prayer, serving in ministry or giving. They are the disciplines in our personal life and church life which are very important. However, we should also be careful of our little daily habits to witness that our spirituality is not just for showing and has no impact in our real life. They are in fact another measure stakes to our true spirituality. Jesus has once reminded us that, “whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones.” (Luke 16:10)

I urge you to take worship service seriously for it is the center of our spirituality. If we say we love God and have accepted Him to be our Lord, but despise Him in His worship service, what kind of spiritual life that we have demonstrated?

I am so glad and encouraged recently when I have heard people making efforts in their spiritual disciplines. People have told me that they wanted to be renewed by the Holy Spirit and to bear spiritual fruit, but at the same time, I saw people despised the worship service. It makes me very confused. I pray to the Lord to let not us to pay lip service to the Lord in spiritual disciplines, and think that spirituality is only Bible reading and prayer and nothing else. Without letting the biblical teaching impact our life there is no real spirituality.

Worship service is the beginning of our weekly spiritual discipline, may we encourage each other to take it seriously to start with punctuality. Our SUNDAY SCHOOL starts at 9:30am and our WORSHIP SERVICE starts at 11:00am.

讚美與敬拜 Praise and Worship


The worship style of Praise and worship seems to be very new, and is used to divide the old from the contemporary, that our younger generation Christians embrace as their style of worshipping God to reject the old folks’ style that was used for more than hundred years. But interestingly enough that the old sage in the book of Ecclesiastes said, “There is nothing new under the sun!” And it is so true even to our ways of praise and worship.

Surprisingly if we turn to Psalms, we will find it full of praise and worship and they look very contemporary. The old style of Israelites’ praise and worship is very new to us!

The function of singing praises in worship is to express our love and affection to God, and it is the act of a genuine worship. Our worship service is not just an intellectual activity to listen to a good speech, or a moral teaching and learning gathering to learn to do good. What is the most important thing for us to do in a worship service? It is the sincere praise that we love to sing unto our Lord. In singing praises, we express our fear, thanksgiving, submission, and love to God, because He is our Lord.

Today we should once again emphasize that our worship service must be fully filled with praises and singing, for our heart is dried for so long that we feel nothing in our worship service. Worship service becomes totally human activity, and has nothing to do with God. If for some reason that we cannot enjoy singing in worship service, we need to reflect on our spiritual life to see what is going wrong in our relationship with God.

I want to encourage you to pray for yourself and be prepared to enjoy singing praises in our worship service.

教會動態 News and Events

各項聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
兒童主日學 Children Sunday School 週日 Sunday, 9:30am
嬰兒及幼兒班 Nursery / Toddler’s Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
Bible-in-Life 少青班 Youth Class 週日 Sunday, 11:00am
愛筵 Lunch Fellowship 週日 Sunday, 12:30pm
禱告會 Prayer Meeting 每月第二及第四個週三
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm
團契組 Fellowship Groups
Please visit page for information